Club & Events · History · NSRFC Hall Of Fame · Members Only
Club & Events
Who are we?
We are a NERFU Division III men's club based north of Boston, MA. We played our first match in spring 2002 and compete against clubs throughout New England, in addition to regional tournaments and international tours. We always welcome new players — regardless of age, rugby experience or athletic background. Our sister team, the North Shore Women's Rugby Football Club, formed in 2004.
Defining a club based on location, division etc. can only tell you so much. What's really important is the people who make up the club and their character. We're a club made up of hard-working, honest guys who all have one thing in common - they can't wait until Saturday for 80 minutes of adrenaline. We strive to play the game the right way - with pride and integrity.
Why Rugby?
It's about camaraderie, about working together to achieve a goal. It's also about pride - in yourself, in your teammates, in the jersey on your back. No individual can win a game of rugby. It's the ultimate team sport and every player has to be there to support his teammates just as he relies on their support.
It's also about the rush, the raw aggression and adrenaline - and this can only be experienced first-hand.

Need to move something heavy?
If you need to move, do yard work or have an annoying chore that requires brute force - call North Shore Rugby. For a market value donation, we will take care of your heavy/repetitive lifting needs. A week's notice is appreciated, but we will do our best to accommodate all requests.
Previous jobs include: Treadmill moving and assembly, rock path building, washer/dryer transport and basement cleaning.
Contact for more information, or to setup a date and time for NSRFC ruggers to help you out.
Community Outreach
Our players and supporters hail from all over the North Shore (and far beyond). We strive to not just live here, but be a positive part of our communities.
Lynn Police Children's Annual Christmas Party
“Each year to help celebrate the Christmas season, dedicated North Shore team members give a big helping hand to the Lynn Police Department's Annual Christmas party. The party is a tradition for the Lynn Police Department in which families with fewer means can still give their children a Christmas to remember. The event, which is held at the St. Michael's Hall in Lynn, is open to all children of Lynn. Registration for the event began shortly after 9am, but the North Shore team (donned in Red gear emblazoned with the North Shore Rugby logo) and other volunteers were there much earlier ready to help with table and decoration set-up as well as gift arrangement. This year even included a coloring contest (which of course our North Shore boys unofficially participated in), and a magic show. The North Shore Rugby team volunteers acted as movers, waiters, bussers,cleaners and general keepers of the peace during the event which was no small task considering the upwards of 200 children in attendance-all giddy for presents and full of energy from a delicious meal of Pizza, soda, and cupcakes.
“After the coloring, magic show, and food the kids were prepped for a visit from every child's favorite person, Santa Claus. The crowd erupted as North Shore bodies stood guard down the aisle while Santa made his way to the stage. A few quick kids made it to Santa only to clutch his thigh so tight that their removal was a tough challenge! Santa acted as judge for the aforementioned coloring contest (which no North Shore member won) and then it was off to presents. As Santa handed out presents and parents picked up the kids to leave the event North Shore Rugby was hard at work removing table cloths, cleaning and getting the tables broken down and back to their appropriate locations. The event was staffed by other volunteers without an affiliation to North Shore Rugby, but the North Shore volunteers easily outnumbered them with a ratio of 2:1. We were told by the Lynn Police Chief that the event would not have turned out as smoothly as it did without help from North Shore Rugby. The day was an obvious success and to celebrate we made our way over to the Lynnway Sportscenter for a pint a sharing of good tidings. All agreed that it was a day to remember, not only for the kids but for any volunteer that was there as well.”
— Adeola Akinola, President
Beverly Bootstraps
“The description we received was that a work crew of 7-8 people could be used for 5-6 hours of work, prepping the dinning room for the thanksgiving meal. North shore showed up with a few more than the amount requested. We dove into the the task and far exceeded the pace of work than the boot straps organizers were expecting. Amongst the tasks we were given were, helping to set up folding chairs and table in the hall where the dinner would take place, decorating the hall with the festivities, setting up the areas where the food was going to be served to the guests.
“The work that was required of us was completed in under and hour thanks to people breaking up into teams and working dillegently. After completing the tasks that were given, North Shore asked the organizers what else they could help do. After a little deliberation the organizers said they were in good shape and appreciated the help that was provided. The evening was a good example of how volunteering can provide assistance to events that are used to being undermanned.”
— Pete Liakopolous, Treasurer